The Expropriation Continues

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  • Song Name: The Expropriation Continues
  • Artist: Kevin Carson

Intro/Outro by Jeff Riggenbach
Written by Kevin Carson
Read by Tony Dreher
Edited by Nick Ford


"What’s variously called “cognitive,” “progressive” or “green capitalism,” celebrated in Paul Romer’s “New Growth Theory” and heavily promoted by the Gateses, Warren Buffett, and faux-left carpetbaggers like Bono, amounts to a scheme to give capitalism a new lease on life by enclosing new technologies of abundance for rent through “intellectual property” rather than socializing their benefits through competitive markets and commons-based peer production. So it’s only logical for those greenwashed parasites to move on to literally, physically enclosing land just like the gentry of England 250 years ago."

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