We Need More Treason, Not Less

  • Play:
  • Song Name: We Need More Treason, Not Less
  • Artist: Kevin Carson

Intro/Outro by Jeff Riggenbach
Written by Kevin Carson
Read by Mike Godzina
Edited by Nick Ford

Online article: https://c4ss.org/content/38679


"Let’s get something straight:

The American state is and always has been, regardless of the political party controlling it, the executive committee of the propertied classes who use the state to extract rents from the working and producing population.

Treason against the American state, and the economic ruling classes whose interests it serves, is a good thing. The Wobblies, socialists and anarchists who inspired bleating about “disloyalty” and “treason” from right-wing troglodytes during America’s various red scares were the good guys."

Raw Feed: http://c4ss.jellycast.com/podcast/feed/2

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/smash-walls-radio/c4ss-media?refid=stpr

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