Jeff Riggenbach Reads: Remembering Corporate Liberalism

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  • Song Name: Jeff Riggenbach Reads: Remembering Corporate Liberalism
  • Artist: Roderick Long

Intro/Outro and Read by Jeff Riggenbach
Written by Roderick Long
Edited by Nick Ford

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"Corporate liberalism functions via a façade of opposition between a purportedly progressive statocracy and a purportedly pro-market plutocracy. The con operates by co-opting potential opponents of the establishment; those who recognise that something’s amiss with the statocratic wing are lured into supporting the plutocratic wing, and vice versa. Whenever the voters grow weary of the plutocracy, they’re offered the alleged alternative of an FDR or JFK; whenever they grow weary of the statocracy, they’re offered the alleged alternative of a Reagan or Thatcher. Perhaps the balance of power shifts slightly toward one side or the other; but the system remains essentially unchanged. (Which explains, for example, why the recent much-trumpeted power shift in Congress has resulted in precious little policy change.)"

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