Taylor Swift Vs. Apple: Post-scarcity Growing Pains

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  • Song Name: Taylor Swift Vs. Apple: Post-scarcity Growing Pains
  • Artist: James Wilson

Intro/Outro by Jeff Riggenbach
Written by James C. Wilson
Read by Mike Godzina
Edited by Nick Ford

Online article: https://c4ss.org/content/38392


"Ultimately the copyrights that once enriched record companies are illegitimate to begin with, as they are simply monopolies granted by governments and rooted in violent suppression of the freedom to imitate and duplicate what we observe. They are now unenforceable and the business models the state established with them are doomed to failure. What will replace them has yet to be decided.

We know, however that consumers will benefit from getting limitless content for free and being able to discover artists who would have remained obscure in the previous environment. Furthermore we know that numerous creative people have been able to monetize projects (musical and otherwise) using tools like Patreon, Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

While these may not replace the current model something like them could."

Raw Feed: http://c4ss.jellycast.com/podcast/feed/2

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/smash-walls-radio/c4ss-media?refid=stpr

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