Good Riddance to Old News Outlets

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  • Song Name: Good Riddance to Old News Outlets
  • Artist: James C. Wilson

Intro/Outro by Jeff Riggenbach
Written by James C. Wilson
Read by Tony Dreher
Edited by Nick Ford

Online article:


"While there are many reasons to be critical of corporations like Apple, Facebook and Google, they give those seeking information options. At no time in history has so much information been at our fingertips. The major newspapers and television networks have an internet presence, as do countless smaller outlets, which hail from around the world and across the ideological spectrum and focus on numerous areas of specialization. Not only does this allow the viewer to see how several outlets report stories, but they can seek out unique perspectives such as those of: libertarians, anarchists, atheists, anti-establishment liberals and old right conservatives. That is to say, one can discover alternative viewpoints far removed from the establishment-friendly, advertisement-funded mainstream media — which is overly reliant on information provided by government, big business and status quo-friendly think tanks. This must remain so, as we fight state and corporate media attempts to stifle alternative sources."

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