Across the Sea

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Across the Sea
  • Artist: Grant Mincy


This is the first video where I experimented with using videos instead of static images. This will *not* be a regular occurrence (this video alone took me nearly four hours to do) but as time goes on hopefully it will become more regular!

Intro/Outro by Jeff Riggenbach
Written by Grant Mincy
Read by Joey Clark
Edited by Nick Ford

Online article:


"Stories like this are overlooked in common discussions about war. The 1800 people who have died this year, on this very voyage across the sea, are casualties of war. They survived the terrible ISIS regime and Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons. They survived endless drone campaigns that continue to lay waste to schools, neighborhoods, weddings and funerals. They survived the full might and militarism of western nation-states, civil wars and political instability. Though they died in the sea, they died seeking refuge from power and domination.

They died seeking refuge from the state."

Raw Feed:


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